Me Nadine (: 17 16 Aug Victoria Junior College Heart of God Church B2 & B20 Tagboard Archives April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 People ♥} B2 & B20! ♥} adriena ♥} alvin ♥} bingrong ♥} brandon ♥} chelsea ♥} cheryl chan hui min ♥} chew ♥} clara ♥} fedora ♥} gabrielle ♥} gongfei ♥} horng yu ♥} hui min ♥} ivan! ♥} jamie lee ♥} jamie loh ♥} jianming ♥} jeremy ♥} jomain ♥} jordan ♥} joyce chua ♥} joyce tan ♥} jun kiat ♥} keegan ♥} lisa ♥} lixing ♥} lydia ♥} minghan ♥} naomi ♥} nicholas luo ♥} priscilla ♥} ray kong ♥} samantha! <3333s ♥} shini ♥} szelei ♥} USHERS :D ♥} wayne ♥} xinchi ♥} xinjie ♥} yijing ♥} yong kin ♥} yvonne char ♥} zachary Credits skin by: Jane |
Thursday, July 31, 2008 @ 11:08 PM
Some random dota convo The moment I was online I was added to a weird msn convo.. BK, KS, Honghwee, Sahai, Hongkai, Kinonn. They are... the DOTA COMBI. And they added me in cos they want me to join in the game. And I don't even play dota! And they keep insisting that i'm faking, must be those secretly play then very pro one -.- So I was in their convo, seeing them type some weird stuff which I totally dont understand. Oh and Yakuza just joined in the convo too. Today we discovered that Yakuza and Gangyuan looks alike man!!! The eyes, smile, nose, face... Hahahha. Since Yilin = Gangyuan = Yakuza, therefore Yilin = Yazuka! Yeah man... Had a wonderful meeting with Ivan just now! It was woah woah. Macro - thats the word. From now on, we're gonna see things in a different perspective. And I tell you... B ZONE IS GOING TO EXPLODE WITH FRIENDS!!! Yes amen. Hahahha. Okay nothing much to type, gonna do BMT and PW. Then I can eat my wonderful eggtart for supper again. Speaking of eggtart, I ate 3 for supper yesterday, and during the 2nd one, my braces' wire actually broke! Is it me, or the braces. Appointment next monday, and im sure the dentist's gonna scold me! Byebye. Monday, July 28, 2008 @ 12:37 AM
Quick update! Today was a great and powerful service yo! To all those people who missed it - you missed out something great!! Pastor Troy was truly anointed. The way he spoke.. Man, you could feel the power of the HS just behind every single word. The force! Whoa. And as he prayed for our church, I couldnt help but tear.. Not in a bad way of course. Just very touched by God's presence in this House of God, and how glad He brought me to this church instead of any others! And he prayed our dear friend Yakuza.. Afterwards I was joking with Sinfei since Yazuka's gonna heal people, we cannot go near him anymore. The anointing on him would heal every sickness in our body which means we would be healthy forever which means cannot see doctor which means no MC which means cannot skip school! Hahahahaha. I met a friend called Gurvin recently. We used to attend Getting Started Bible Study Classes together early last year. Hahaha. Now both of us have a common aim to get someone... And we will achieve it. YES AMEN! And Alan! After I read about him in Ivan's blog, I want to say hi to him in church, but I can never achieve that! I will do it next weekend! Hahahha. Me: How teng, who's Alan? HT: Alan is Alan lah. ME: I mean, WHO is Alan? HT: Alan is Alan lah. (continues awhile more) (Nadine gives up and walks away) Jorine wants to come to VJC to visit tmr.. She's random.. And the above-mentioned are all D1 people!!!! I learnt something new today... When God says He wants to give you something, it doesnt appear automatically. Instead, He engineers circumstances so that in the process, you actually achieve it! It happened to me recently, and what Ivan shared with me was a new revelation! How great is our God! Manprit if you're seeing my blog: I never knew you love me in NYJC so much! Hahahaha. Your birthday's coming soon! Let's celebrate it together! Sunday, July 27, 2008 @ 12:27 AM
My exciting life Okay I need to post soon!! Lol. I am talking to Gonghua online now. Gonghua loves to grow! says: let me summaries my study rule Gonghua loves to grow! says: I COMPLETED IT :D Gonghua loves to grow! says: end of summarisation! Gonghua loves to grow! says: such a long big wor Gonghua loves to grow! says: word* Nadine (: B2 + B20 = 25! says: WOAH Nadine (: B2 + B20 = 25! says: I THINK ITS Nadine (: B2 + B20 = 25! says: END OF SUMMARY Nadine (: B2 + B20 = 25! says: (: Jialat, do you know she was a lit student? And still is? And she doesnt know SUMMARY! But she knows words like alliteration (2 or more words in conjunction starting with the same letter). Oh my tian,I seriously pray hard for her lit (: Weeeeell, I think this week had been an awesome week! God spoke, things changed! Esp yesterday. FULFILLING! 1. Went to the doc Haha, I went to get MC for untoldable reasons. Please do not try guessing as I'll never reveal the answer to you. But the doc was super nice, gave me 2 days MC upon request (: 2. B20 Outing Our first ever CG outing!!! We went to watch Dark Knight. Bingrong, Weichao, Gabriel, Pearlene, James, Jerome, Darius, Zhijie. Notice the inflation of guys! B2 has all girls, Nelsis only boy. B20 has all boys, Candy & Pearlene only girls. I must pray to God that the CGs would balance themselves out. Anyway the show is awesome and I seriously dont mind watching it again! The plot is woah, the actors are woah, even the final line of the show was woah. It is a very woah show! Please go catch it! 3. B2 CG It was Me, Sinfei, Haoyue. And 2 bottles. Dont look down on the bottles okay, they are our 4D new friends! When I shared, I looked at them. When Sinfei shared announcements, she looked at them too. When Haoyue TTYN (turn to your neighbour), she looked at them too. They are going to be people soon, and we prayed that they are going to be 1 boy 1 girl. Hahaha. Then B2 would have 2 guys yo! 4. Usher Meeting Ages since I went to one!! Jianming kept leaving out my name, hahahahaha. Then I had to raise up my hand, "Jianming! What about me!" Ushering for FOP, and its gonna be my first time too! Quite scary but... faith & success! I'm going to conquer Indoor Stadium! 5. Meeting with Ivan It turned out that we watched a movie, and it was great. Like what Pastor said today, the team did life together. More than just playing the game, out of the game, they were great friends. Even after they graduated from school, they remained in contact. This is how our lives should be. Beyond church, we're still great friends, fellowshipping with each other. Talking about fellowship, I just realised that I see Deng Hui Min 7 days a week. Even more that I see my leaders and friends in church!! I see her in the morning at about 6.50am everyday. Then I have every single break with her, either studying or having lunch. Then we would travel to church together. Weekends I would see her in church too. You should see us on the bus at 7am in the morning man... I board the bus, she's reading book/listening to music/sleeping. I would be reading book/sleeping. But it always ended up with both of us sleeping - her head against the windows, my head on her shoulder. Standard position everyday. Then 2 stops before school, only one of us would wake up, then at our stop, we would call the other up. Yes, it's a routine already! I was singing the Victorian Anthem with DHM, Isabel, Toh Jiaxin, and Bong just now. We called Esmonde to join in too, but he ran away. Later we found out why.. After we sang the 2nd line, we realised Pastor Lia was staring at us! We immediately stopped singing. Hahahahha. Awesome friends in a wonderful church with great Pastors & leaders. I HAVE AN EXCITING LIFE :D Tuesday, July 22, 2008 @ 11:44 PM
Moving in Your power A quick update before I do CG stuffs! Woah I was so glad I went for BMT just now.. Yeah, I haven't graduate yet. I'm still at BMT(A)! Hahaha. At first I was comtemplating whether to go since I had to leave early = cannot graduate = must sign up again. But Garrett asked me to ask my mum, and surprisingly, when I asked my mum if I could reach home at 11pm, she said yes! As Pastor Lia led worship towards the end, I just cried out to God, all that I was thinking, and how I was feeling.. After that it was indescribable. Something broke on the inside, and I know those emotions would never come back alraedy - at least for this season! He spoke to me so clearly, explaining to me what was happening and why I was feeling this way. I felt so reassured after that. Like what we sang just now.. Take all of me I give You my all for all of You Move in Your power Open the heavens Lord today He was really moving in His power, and opening the heavens at that moment. Now I just feel so charged up! Ready to conquer the world (: Monday, July 21, 2008 @ 12:20 AM
I, You, We all should study As I was about to start studying, I sense a sudden uncomfortable feeling in my heart, something is not right.. Then I turned to my left. MY FILE IS EXPLODING! AHHHHHH. It irritates me to see my file not living its life right! Cant even file itself properly. Tsk tsk. I seriously seriously seriously need to file all my things man. Lecture notes, tutorial worksheets, readings.. I shall conquer you tmr night! I just changed my wallpaper to this. It's quite funny cos I need to rearrange all my files to make sure that the holy words "I SHOULD STUDY" are not covered up. Hahaha. Yeah I will do it manzxzxz.. Maths tutorial, econs tutorial, revision for chem and econs.. I WILL DO IT TONIGHT :D So anyone out there who's quite bored, you can actually msn me tonight cos I dont think I'll sleep so early! Recently I realise the toilet is a good place for you to think, esp when you're bathing. Hahahaha. I was just thinking through some stuffs and I suddenly remembered what God told me a few weeks ago that He would give to me something. And I really need it now, and I know it's coming, and I give thanksgiving to Him for it! Because it will surely come. AE was awesome! My mum came and I think she was very well-integrated. All the people that talked to her.. Pst How, Pst Lia, Charleston, Ivan, Yassy, Sam, Evelyn, Sister Hermine, Sister Weena, Cheryl, KS, Lixing, Elgin.. The 3 people mentioned at the back is quite random because I had to show my mum the people who were in the centaur video! Yeah she watched it and just like all of us, is anticipating Part III! Hahahha. This time it felt different, it felt good My mum promised Sam she would consider coming if I did housework so I guess it's settled.. When you call/sms me this coming week, you'll realise I'll either have a miss call, answer v slowly, or reply very slowly. High chance that I'm either washing clothes, scrubbing the toilet bowl, changing bedsheets, cleaning windows, cooking... Nah, I CANT COOK. Hahahaha. I see it in the 4th dimension. My mum's gonna get planted in not just any church, but Heart of God Church and somehow I think she'll make a great usher (: Okay I'm off to conquer my tutorials now.. Great week ahead yo. Toodles. Thursday, July 17, 2008 @ 10:23 PM
Debbie Haoyue Sinfei Gonghua Yesterday night I knocked out and ended up waking up at like 3.40am to complete my report!! I thought for very long on what to blog and I had a sudden inspiration... Look at this! Debbie Came to church on a saturday for BIBLE STUDY. Guess what? After that she stayed for service, and she came back the next day for service as well!! And it was during the Os period. The rest is history.. Now we have a drummer + lights woman + people lover in the making! Haoyue It took her long to believe in God but eventually she did. She has grown so much over the past... 10 months? About there. Now loving God and serving in cafe! Sinfei HAHA MY TWIN. And we used to be enemies too.. She also has a very famous follow-up story well-circulated among us.. About a funny decision she told Samantha and now we keep teasing her about it! But now she's a changed woman! Although it took her QUITE long to be on-fire, but well now, she's one radical Christian! Gonghua The things she gave up for God.. They were what she was living for but God spoke to her and asked her to give them up and she did. I could still remember that day.. It was so hard for her but she did it. So thats why she is where she is now.. Leader leading people, doing so much in CCH. God sees her heart (: All these incredible people.. They are why we do the things we do. It's so worth it to see people growing, to see them love others in return.. Seeing them grow is a reward that no one can describe. They are awesomeeeee! And I can't stop imagining and dreaming next year at this point of time, what would they be doing in church! 1001 possibilities and we can only wait and see what God has planned! And it's really so thrilling because it's so unexpected, but yet you know something great is going to come out of these people.. It's just what thing. I cant wait mannnnn!!! DEBBIE HAOYUE SINFEI GONGHUA. I think I shall end my post like that! Wednesday, July 16, 2008 @ 2:02 AM
I cant sleep I figured out I should update my blog since I keep asking people to update theirs, haha. Well..... It's 2.03am now and I am awake! So so so awake. Cos I just prayed and saw in the 4th dimension that tmr's prayer meeting & CG's gonna be awesome and when you know it's gonna happen, it's quite hard to go to sleep. I keep thinking how great it's gonna be, and it makes me more excited -> harder to sleep!! Let's talk about my Geog lecturer - MR JOSEF! There were only 3 As in the whole geog cohort, and it takes 70 to get an A. Mr Josef: Hey guys, the average marks in class is 90, so if you get below that, you're below average. Also, the lowest in class is 80, so if you get below that, then you are worst than the worse. Of cos it doesnt sound funny here, but it was there. Hahaha. I found something in my life that I need to change again! Exciting! Ivan just told me like 5 hours ago and yeah, it was (as usual) right on the dot! Our leaders are amazing people cos they know you better than yourselves. They tell you what's wrong then you go, "Ohhhhhh~~~~~ Ya hor!" Hahaha. So this is awesome, I got another thing to change in in my life! :D Another thing added on to the already long list of prayers! My mum went to Bali and came back like a Santa Claus. She bought this BATH BUDDY thingy. It's a sponge in a bear shape, with soap inside so you can just use that to bathe! She bought 5 - Nadine, Sam, Chew, Sinfei, Gonghua. Hahahahah. I was so tempted to give the pink to Chew but I decided it should go to Sam so Chew shall have her fave blue then! And she bouht 3kg of this weird fruit that only exists in Indonesia. Its exterior is quite hard, looks like orange but hard. Then when you use a knife to halve it, you realise that the inside is like fish eggs! And when you scrape it out, the interior of the fruit is DRY. But the flesh, looks soft but is crunchy! And I tried eating it but it got stuck between my braces. I shall try again tmr. TMR!!! HAHAHA. AWESOMEEEEEEE :D Sunday, July 13, 2008 @ 11:40 PM
STUDY! Today when I reached home, I did very different things from what I usually do. I refilled the jug. I kept the dry clothes. I prepared my brother for school tmr - chased him to do homework, pack his bag, gave him pocket money. Times like this, I really miss my mum manxzxzxz. She's overseas now so I'm like part-time mother to my brother. Hahahaha. Service today was real powerful. It's so amazing how 6 months ago, although our church was faith-filled, but now the level of faith is so so so high! Within a month, we really went on to a 2.0 level. People see it, people get it. People say seeing is believing, but we say believing is seeing. We believe in what we are gonna get, and we'll defnitely get it. During the prayer at the end, God gave me a super powerful vision. But the end of next year.. Heh heh. I shall not tell you what but it's really quite powerful. So I was like asking God, "You sure a not?" Then He said, "I told you you will be a CGL 2 years ago you forgotten all about it right?" Then I sheepishly said yes. Hahahahahaha. So yeah, God is good. SCHOOL'S STARTING TMR. AE HAS INSPIRED ME TO STUDY STUDY STUDY! Friday, July 11, 2008 @ 11:20 PM
A heart of steel I just finished watching "Grease" and it's so old school and classic man. The not-so-sharp screen took me by surprise, guessed I was expecting them to digitalised it or something. Then the hair, the clothes.. I think I love these songs with singing. Grease, Sound of music, Les Miserables, Annie, Hairspray.. That's why I love to watch Hindi shows! All the singing! Today I discovered something about Peck Hoon... She reads my blog! Haha. She ah, so jian, read everyday until can notice I change my blogskin everyday. (Not true, only the day before cos I was experimenting with blogskins!) So I asked her to tag, and dont act so secretive. HAHAHA. Pearlene is talking to me on MSN now about B20.. How they all flow, saying the same things and they can all go home together. I guess I'm the only one not flowing with them! I take MRT, not 43. Hahaha. Nvm, I'm flowing with Ivan! Lol. And she says B20 wants to beat B2 to multiply into B21. Sinfei and Gonghua be careful! Got competition already. Hahaha. Nadine (: a heart of steel says: Since my attendance counted in B2, so I should support B2 right? Lol PEARLENE Big Fat 46 says: but you're our cgl lol Nadine (: a heart of steel says: jialat how ah HAHA PEARLENE Big Fat 46 says: hahahahah! simple, support B20! Nadine (: a heart of steel says: maybe if i support b2, then b2 faster? haha! PEARLENE Big Fat 46 says: but we already smelt revival, we're just waiting for it. hhahahah! then all the more you must support B20, cos if you support us that means we sure win! lol! I dont know what logic is that man.. Haha. Speaking of Ivan.. I cannot play soccer anymore? Hahaha. Thats really quite sad you know. I really like kicking the ball. I hit it left and it goes right. Then when I want it to go right, it turns left Haha. Random. When I was bathing just now, I was thinking of some people, and some things. Then what Ivan used to tell me all the time hit me. "A heart of steel." Discouragements come, they're common. But when it does, do you take it, then get over it and just fly after that? Or do you let it take over you? People unknowingly can sucked in by their discouragements. They get emo, sluggish, dont get things done.. Then they feel even more down. And it just spirals down. It not only affects them, but people around them. They look okay on the outside, but people close to them can definitely feel that something's wrong. A heart of steel.. Not a hard heart, but a heart of steel. A strong heart. You can take in all the discouragements, but you would only be discouraged for a short while, after that you'll just be even more spurred to overcome them! "No wonder the Bible says guard your heart with all diligence, because out of it springs the issues of life. How you live your life is determined by your heart. Don't let anything corrupt it. Nor pride, nor manipulation. Love purity, innocence and truth." This is what Ivan told me long long ago when he first became my leader.. Ah, how much I've grown! Haha. A heart of steel. Thursday, July 10, 2008 @ 8:52 AM
HBL I know everyone must be super excited about how my HBL (Home Based Learning) looks like. So I took some pictures for you! This was how my geog tutorial looked like: ![]() We can chat there too! ![]() ong.elaine: may I go to the bathroom ? Mr Najib (audio): Yes elaine, you may go to the bathroom Me: hahaha Jasmine Tan 08s61: me too 08s61laukaihui: i am listening too Me: me too! i just woke up! ong.elaine: okay I'll keep the toilet door open ! Mr Najib (audio): No elaine, it's okay, you dont have to keep the door open Chin Kaixin: -.- After that everyone was like declaring that they haven't brush their teeth. EEEKS I woke up late but I brushed before entering tutorial! Oh then I discovered we could draw on the screen as well! Then everyone started joining in... ![]() Yeah that was my very interesting very short geog tutorial (: During Geog lecture, Mr Najib asked if he's talking too loud. We can poll online you know! Look at all the crosses. Hahahaha. ![]() I invited Jianming and Noni to join in my lecture to show them how cool it is.
And I managed to find out what does PE theory mean. What is the purpose of practicing basic ball handling skills?
It's really quite lame... @ 1:25 AM
Hleb! I'm feeling very excited now because tmr is e-learning!!! This time it's real and I really have no school.. Haha. Click it! Be amazed by it.. I don't really know how it works too so I think I would be late for my lessons. Imagine this. Having lessons but actually I'm blogging or watching TV or something... Wahahahah! This is the life manxzxzxz. And they say PE would be changed to theory. PE theory?! I am imagining some video with a woman teaching us to do aerobatics.. I think Huimin's PE is on Thursday. I shall act as her then sign in and see what theory is that. Hahaha! Oh ya, today Jieru just taught me, Fe and Weiling some bicycle technique that can train your back, abs, and leg muscles.. Hahaha! Then I told Fe we can do it while we're talking to people on the phone or having conference. Lol. Or we can be like Ivan, do while eating nuts. Hahahahah! Wanted to wake up early to go polyclinic and send Ern off today but I woke up at 12pm! Went to eat Arnold's Chicken with Sinfei and found this really nice doctor who told me my throat has inflammation now because I talk too much... HAHAH. He gave me MC and exempted me from PE for 1 WEEK. My throat is uncomfortable and I don't have to do physical activity. So no link but I like it because I have official reason to skip 3rd period PE on Friday! NOT PONNING. HAHAHAHA. Today I noticed that Cheryl has a new bag and it dont look Cherylish at all... Sinfei agrees. Ivan is online now and I'm amazed! He's hardly ever online now. Haha. He was showing me all the different soccer stars just now.. He told me yesterday and I don't know any single one of them. Told me about the different techniques, different players.. So now I know people like Zidane (A LEGEND) actually exists. Cristiano Ronaldo and Ronaldo are 2 different people - the first is good-looking, the latter is fat. Like Kaka is a really nice guy. Fernando Torres' hair looks like horse mane. This weird-looking guy called _____ (dont remember). And among all that, I think this guy is the best! Alexander Hleb (pronounced as CLAP) from Arsenal! Note that I dont really go for skills.. Haha. ![]() Yeah manxzxzxz. I HAVE A NEW-FOUND INTEREST IN SOCCER :D Wednesday, July 9, 2008 @ 12:25 AM
Today was quite a slacker day but it ended off powerfully!! I love sharing with Ivan things. It gets so irritated when everything is stored up in your heart and you cannot do anything about it! Then when you finally share, its flows out, and on and on, then the burden is gone and I feel so light again! And I love Ivan's analogies too.. Made things so much more clearer. hhaha. Okay that was what I typed before I helped Melvin Ang collate some info. Now I'm sleepy so goodnight (: Tuesday, July 8, 2008 @ 1:52 AM
Dog & bone Okay a last post before I sleep!! Fish & Co was out so we took bus to Suntec, walked to Marina Square, and dined at Billy Bombers. It was a retro place and we ended up discussing about a person whose photo was framed and hung there... Chew: Why is Marilyn Monroe so famous ah? Nadine: I think it's because of her skirt that flew up. Chew: Really meh? Skirt only eh. Joanne: No lah, I think it's because of her mole. Haha, then we talked about other things.. Then if you realise Marilyn Monroe got that "look" which made her look like she's very thirsty or something, so Sinfei and I took an artistic photo which I shall post tmr! Afterwards to walked to Fullerton there. And somewhere between there and the Victoria Theatre, we played Dog and Bone. This uber uber long stretch of road... and we had to ran like 1000 kilometres before reaching the bone. It was funnn (: Then it was travelling home time with Chan again. 2 days in a row yo (: School's tmr gonna be great! Monday, July 7, 2008 @ 2:45 PM
Randomness Haha yesterday was awesome, first time I had like official permission to reach home late during the school term and I had to make full use of it. Thing is, Sinfei and I had nothing to do at all! We were like rotting here and there, and finally we found it.. The power fo the artise room! In there, Sinfei finally found her true love!! Now she's happily married to Stella-Bella-Wella-Ella!! We couldnt resist taking some photos in the alluring mirrors with lights at the side! haha
And of cos Chan and I had a great talk.. 1. The photo is blur 2. Her eyes look too big 3. I look weird Hahahaha, in the end we decided we shall just continue talking!Yeah so it was awesome talking to her, then after I left she smsed Jeremy and I some random smses, then I replied her all, and CC to Jeremy.. Main aim was to make him jealous that he couldnt have quality time together with us. Hahaha. So yeah.. great day (: Now it's time to settle all the meetings for this week!! And I shall change my blogskin because some people like Minghan told me it took too long to load. Oh well. OH YA! We're going to celebrate, I MEAN, HAVE A FAREWELL PARTY for Ernest later. He's going to say bye to civilisation, and hello to the green world out there (: We will miss you Ern. Sunday, July 6, 2008 @ 1:28 AM
KS is a centaur Haha when we were about to go home, something ultimate happened.. KS was walking like a centaur and I mentioned about taking a video of them (KS-Front, Elgin-Back) walking, and inspiration hit him. He insisted that there must be a storyline so here goes.. THE NARNIA CENTAUR SERIES - PART 2 I think we would be doing it on alternate weeks because Elgin says his back will crack if we do it too often, hahaha! We are making literally making a classic come alive. Saturday, July 5, 2008 @ 1:57 AM
(: Hey yo, today was an eventful day! Last 3 period of the day was GP. Nadine: Mr Hoe, can we have early dismissal? Mr Hoe: Nadine, you ask me that every Friday. Nadine: Can we have early dismissal on account of my braces? Mr Hoe: You are still the same from before you put braces, still very outspoken. It was a lot of shooting at him today. Lol. Had some training with Ivan, I need to brush up and be zai at it. Then we played soccer before BM! It was fun manxzxzxz. I'm starting to like soccer. The fun & excitement!! I'm gonna do something to fuel this sudden love. Maybe watch soccer matches, and play more with Ivan they all. Hahahaha. Oh for BM, it was exciting and all Chew did was this. The reason for this pose is because she's Lulu Pang Chew Theng. (look at the brand)
Sinfei Noni and I alighted at Dhoby, ran up the stairs to catch last NEL train, and we saw this... And now we're discussing about Ernest's celebration, oops, I mean FAREWELL party. Convo with Huimin, Chew, Sahai, Adri, Ru. Can you imagine. It's like havoc there. Okay I gtg, the window's floooddedddd! Goodnight to all grandparents out there. (Gong I finally know what you mean) Thursday, July 3, 2008 @ 11:52 PM
Simple is hard? arghhhhh, gonghua is driving me nuts! (in a good way) #1 Now the new structure, we have B2, B20.. So B2 is like the ancestral family, B20 can trace their lineage back there. So Gonghua asked me if I said goodnight to my grandparents. Dont ask me how I know what she was talking about, its a cg flow. I said B2 is the "ancestral cg" what.. And she's in B2! Gonghua loves to grow! says: OH YA HO Gonghua loves to grow! says: so say goodnight to ourselves? #2 Kenny's dream is to cook maggie mee before he dies, and mine is to help build a great church. I told Gonghua that and... Gonghua loves to grow! says: Let's compare.. Gonghua loves to grow! says: Magie mee and Big church Nadine (: BIG FAT 46! says: AGAIN?! Gonghua loves to grow! says: one promotes the loss of hair = yun niam Gonghua loves to grow! says: one promotes adidas Gonghua loves to grow! says: hmm Gonghua loves to grow! says: NO LINK Gonghua loves to grow! says: Kenny is random! And Gonghua, so are you! #3 And after that, out of the blue she told me this... Gonghua loves to grow! says: Study 4 hours a day, keep the U away See what I mean.. I seriously dont know how her brain works man. The gears turn like crazy, and it turns fast. Although she is nonsense, her brain works super fast as well. Being around her is a joy, filled with laughter. Beyond that, I think her dream is to be a preacher. Pastor Phil is know for preaching faith, and hers would be... BRACES. To know more, please ask her yourself. Maybe she'll come out a sermon cd on it. Hahaha! I had an interesting follow-up-turned-into-questioning-session with Ivan and Haoyue today. And Ivan said something super on the dot.. Sometimes the hardest thing is the simplest thing to do, and the simplest thing is also the hardest thing to do. Whoa, amazing righhhht. Things like carrying out an operation on someone's body. Complex procedures, countless instruments with some of the weirdest names, but yet once you are familiarised with the steps, its quite simple actually. People carry it out without thinking, and before you know it, it's done. Then simple things like 1 + 1 = 2. What are the explanations for it? Well I cannot reason with you, but all I can tell you is just to believe and accept it. You can ask me 1001 Why is it like that? But all I can tell you is just to believe again. Same with God. Some people have the brains to do the most complicated maths sums, but a simple thing like believing that there really is a God up there who created you and I, they cant do it. They find it difficult to just acknowledge in their hearts that "I believe in You Jesus". But what is there to lose anyway.. At the end of the day, even if you found out that the God you believe in is fake (which is DEFINITELY NOT TRUE), hey, at least you have tried. Better than wandering about all your life going after some ambitions that never seem to end... Go after God. Believe in Him. Try it! I definitely believe 200% that Jesus lives. And He's in my heart. Goodnight everyone (: |